Monday, June 1, 2009

School's always in with City Blossoms

Our schedule is about to do a big flip flop now that school is ending and summer gardening workshops are gearing up. Summer may mean chill time for other teachers, but for us it's the best time to be working - and eating! This summer we have lots of tasty treats growing - peppers, herbs, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, carrots, canteloupes, beans, spinach, edamame, and strawberries to begin with. We hope that we can get some good recipes tried out in all of our workshops, and plan on making a big community cookbook by the time fall hits.
The tasty treats aren't just for the kids! On June 27th, there will be a workshop on herbs - preserving and using them for food - at Girard Garden for adults. If you have always wondered what to do with the rest of that basil - after making pesto, of course - or how to dry out your rosemary and lavender, you should come on by! It's free!
Happy Gardening,
City Blossoms

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