At our Harvard Street location, there is a 5 senses bed right in the middle. You may be thinking, HOW?
Touch - Lamb's Ear
Taste - Mint, Basil, Chives
Smell - Lemon Balm, Mint, Basil, Chives
See - Bright flowers: Dianthus, Cosmos
Hear - You can't see it in this photo, but there is a windchime above! Tricky!
How about a garden for baby boomers?
And I'll lovingly eat the lonely tomato!
It was so good to see you over the summer! It looks like your garden project is going well. I may take you up on your offer to fly back from Guate with the girls & the cat. We'll see how your schedule is. The family pics we took at my aunt's house came out great, and I look forward to when I next see you in person! Until then, I'll be following your blog.
Love, Diana
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